Psychological astrology is a wonderful tool to stimulate us with the infinite possibilities of being that we have to choose from.
It points at the potential of getting blocked in certain aspects and how to transform that energy in something we can put at our service.
Our energy can be expressed in multiple ways, most of which we tend to ignore because of our social conditioning.
In the psychological astrology consultation we expand our idea of ourselves to include other ways and possibilities of self-expression. We explore our light and our shadow, and understand the balance created by their interaction.
Being a psychologist myself, I always make suggestions of different material to read, activities to do, share exercises, meditations, visualisations, etc., that could help in the unfoldment of the characteristics suggested by both the natal and the solar return charts.
It points at the potential of getting blocked in certain aspects and how to transform that energy in something we can put at our service.
Our energy can be expressed in multiple ways, most of which we tend to ignore because of our social conditioning.
In the psychological astrology consultation we expand our idea of ourselves to include other ways and possibilities of self-expression. We explore our light and our shadow, and understand the balance created by their interaction.
Being a psychologist myself, I always make suggestions of different material to read, activities to do, share exercises, meditations, visualisations, etc., that could help in the unfoldment of the characteristics suggested by both the natal and the solar return charts.
Astrological Consultations
Both consultations last around one and a half hours, and can be made in person or online.
Natal chart reading
In this reading we explore the reason for consultation and the chart as a descriptor of the personality, in a dialogue in which we locate the identifications, and the level of evolution of the different energies of the chart itself (light/shadow game of one's own psyche).
Solar Return Reading
In this consultation we take a look at the planets in the moment of the birthday of the year of consultation, and interpret probabilities of expression of those positions in the personality, behaviours and emotions.
To that we add the planetary movements of the year (transits) and an estimate of the vital moment and where it is going (cycles of life).
To that we add the planetary movements of the year (transits) and an estimate of the vital moment and where it is going (cycles of life).